Early registration deadline for HDIR-3 is October 20, 2014.

Registration fee includes: attendance to the lectures and poster session, abstract book, welcome reception, lunch on November 7, and refreshments during coffee breaks.

The Croatian Medical Chamber will award active participants with 10 CME credits, and the passive participants with 8 CME credits.

Students from University of Zagreb will be awarded with 2 ECTS points for poster presentation.  

Early registration (before October 20, 2014)
students190 kn / 25 €380 kn / 50 €
researchers/MDs/others380 kn / 50 €570 kn / 75 €
Late registration (after October 20, 2014)
students380 kn / 50 €570 kn / 75 €
researchers/MDs/others570 kn / 75 €760 kn / 100 €
*non-HDIR EACR members will have to present their EACR membership card / number at the registration

Payment should be made in either kuna or euro using the following bank account information:

Bank name: Zagrebačka banka d.d.

Bank address: Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Account holder name: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka

Account holder address: Bijenička 54, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

IBAN: HR5023600001102084564


Account number: 1102084564

Description of Payment: Your full name – HDIR-3 registration